
French Friday's - Vive La France

Marie Antoinette
I have wanted to go to France ever since a) I excelled in Grade 6 french class (cute teacher) and b) since my high school trip that I was so anticipating was cancelled due to low registration numbers.  Well, my friends, it has been several long years and surprisingly no cancelled trips later and I still have not made it across the pond (and then across the pond again).  However, my love for all things french has not dulled, hence French Friday's (and no, they have nothing to do with fast food).

French Friday's will be a chance for me to post pictures of the french shabby chic look I love so much, but also to explore a bit about the history of France and the collective philosophy of the people who live in this beautiful country. I can't count the times I've admired a Louis XVI daybed or bergère armchair (fauteuil, in french) but know little about his life other than what I learned from Kirsten Dunst's Marie Antoinette.

I find that I can appreciate the things I admire that much more when I understand why they were styled that way. For those of you who can live without the history lesson, don't fear, there will be lots of pretty pictures!  Vive la France!!


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