
Summer Love Pastels

Who knew summers could be so pretty?!  Here are a couple images from Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic website. I am hoping to find more, but thought these were too pretty to hold back.


Pretty Things Make Me Happy!

Pink & Blue 
Vintage liquour bottle vase
It's Tea Time!  


Nooks & Crannies

I have a couple spots in my apartment that serve no function whatsoever but to look pretty.  It's been a bit of a learning process for me, in decorating, and in my life, to learn that the purpose of some things is to serve no purpose at all. 

Two years ago, I would have thought you were nuts if you said, "Hey, that corner of your bedroom ... instead of putting a night table to store things, why don't you put a chair without a seat?" (I mean, even now it's kind of a hard sell).  But we change over time, our approach changes, our priorities change ... the fact that I look at it, and it brings me joy, is purpose enough for me today.  



You'll Never Work in This Town Again ...

Here are some cute office supplies, some of which may not be 100% appropriate for every office but they made me smile!  I think anybody who's ever had a boss has fantasized about rebelling even if it's in some really minor way like the post-it notes pictured below labelled "Important Sh*t".  I imagine it would instill a bit of fear in your boss should you whip those out the next time he or she is relaying the details of your next big project ...
Pretty :)
Love it!! 
Great idea!! Etsy $3.30 USD
My Pretty Pencil Holder
 Etsy $7.99
For when you've given up
on the idea of ever being promoted
Etsy $2.50


I ♥ Ruffled Shower Curtains

Here are a few ruffled shower curtains I love!  I've already featured the aqua-coloured one ... that's how much I ♥ it!



My Shabby Chic Bathroom

My favourite feature in my bathroom is the window right in the shower ... there's nothing like a refreshing shower beside a cool breeze to start the day off right ... perfection! 

Silver-plated soap dish

Cotton Pads, Q-Tips & Guest Soaps
Epsom salts



Bergère with Hand-Carved Wooden Flowers

Buy me, Amber ... I'm only $25!!
Okay, so I'll admit, the upholstery on this chair is a little more shabby than chic, but I can only imagine the way it must have looked brand new ... insert sigh and swoon here.  What I loved most about this chair were the hand-carved flowers in its wooden frame.  Yes, I said "loved" as in past tense, I forced myself out of the store before I could buy it.  

The truth is I just wouldn't know how to refurbish the upholstery (although I can picture it in a gorgeous pale pink or grey silk damask or a more functional and durable burlap treatment - see pics below).  

I wasn't crazy about the shape of the arms (too pointy)

Liked that there is a slight wing-back to it!
Image from Marie Burgos Design Blog
Burlap Chair from Hudson Goods

Louis XVI Square Back Chair
The Bella Cottage
Close-up of the burlap fabric
and gold gilding on the frame
Fantastique!! as seen on Etsy.


Shabby Chic Office Cubicles?

I don't think we need to ask how much more
productive I'd be if my office looked like this ;)
I am trying to find ways to personalize and shabby chicify my cubicle at my new job, and there is nary an example to be found.  I've seen lots of shabby chic home office pictures but kind of like UFOs and Bigfoot, I am starting to think that pretty, shabby chic office cubicles just don't exist!!

First let me clear up one point, when I say "cubicle" you're probably picturing a really horrid box-like space with four grey walls and an entrance just big enough for me to reluctantly squeeze my body through.  Well---you'd be wrong.  It's not awful or claustrophobia-inducing, it's just not very individualized.

The problem I'm encountering though, is the nature of office furniture is that it's standardized, and the nature of personalization is that it's, well .... personal.  And just how personal do you want to get at work?  

Not to mention standardized office cubicle furniture does not lend itself well to "mixing old with new."  Just how am I supposed to take my greenish-grey fabric covered mini-walls, my matching office chair and greyish-coloured desktop and make them lovely and inspiring without a) compromising my image as a professional and b) annoying my co-workers (who are mostly male).

Perhaps not all spaces need to be personalized, but in my quest to "pretty up" the spaces around me, I just can't imagine ignoring the one I'll be spending eight hours a day, five days a week in.  

I'm going to give myself the weekend to think about it.  If you have any images or ideas you'd like to share, please do!!

Gotta go ... my lunch is over!



Curved Wood-Framed Loveseat

I won't pretend like I'm crazy about this floral pattern but I do think this antique sofa is absolutely adorable.  If I had endless space (and it wasn't already sold) I would have scooped it up in a second!  Again, like a lot of items I've been coming across lately it has the beautifully detailed carved wooden flowers towards the front but what I loved most about it was the curved design of the frame.  It's the perfect couch for canoodling!!

Carved floral detail

The colours are actually quite pretty!
